Join Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen and Robert Colquhoun as they discuss putting first things first when defending the unborn in a hostile culture ... a reflection of the fact that we are called to give everything to God and put Him first in our lives.
Join Shawn Carney, Robert Colquhoun and Matt Britton as they explore attacks on freedom of speech directed at those who oppose abortion. This episode examines buffer zones, showing what they are -- and how they could impact other important rights.
Join Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen and Robert Colquhoun as they talk about outdoor pro-life activities in the cold, cold days of winter ... and there's good news! Weather does impact 40 Days for Life vigils -- more women choose life in bad weather.
Join Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen and Robert Colquhoun as they explain the impact you can have by marching for life. This episode explores the responsibility to both God and country to stand up for the unborn ... and outlines the top eight reasons to participate in one of the annual pro-life events.
Join Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen and Robert Colquhoun as they look at New Year's resolutions -- ones with more impact than just losing weight! These ten pro-life resolutions can help you save lives, and perhaps even end abortion, where you live.