Chemical abortions now account for the majority of all abortions in the United States. With retail pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid set to become America’s largest abortion chains (distributing pills through their drive-through windows), the market share of pill-induced abortions will continue to increase.
It seems like a cash cow for the pharmacy chains...but these abortion schemes are already running into trouble.
On this episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we discuss:
Recently, pro-life celebrity Jessa Seewald revealed that she underwent a D&C procedure following a miscarriage. After her unborn child died, Jessa did not naturally deliver her child’s body. So Jessa had the procedure to remove her deceased child from her womb and lower the risk of further complications.
Abortion supporters responded by accusing Jessa—a well-known pro-lifer—of having had an abortion.
On this episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we’ll break down why this accusation is false, pathetic, hurtful, and even dangerous. And we’ll also share how to respond to abortion advocates who argue that miscarriage treatment and abortion are the same thing.
Many Planned Parenthood locations employ volunteer escorts that try to shield abortion clients from pro-lifers offering alternatives to abortion. The manual Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania uses to train escorts was used as evidence during the Biden Administration’s prosecution of Mark Houck...
...which means it's now part of the public record. And it contains plenty of interesting nuggets that you can use as you save lives where you live.
On this episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we break down eight key revelations from Planned Parenthood's escort training manual.
Last year--in a brazen act of politically motivated persecutio law enforcement staged a guns-drawn raid of 40 Days for Life participant Mark Houck for exercising his pro-life free speech rights in front of a Philadelphia abortion facility.
Now that Mark has been cleared, he's free to speak again. He joins this episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast to share: