Topics We Cover On This Episode
Advent is the perfect season of the year to pray and reflect over the Lord becoming man and entering into the world. On this episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, Steve Karlen and Robert Colquhoun example how the Scripture accounts of the Holy Family preparing for the birth of Jesus provide great Advent meditations for pro-lifers:
- Mary was troubled by news of her pregnancy...and she provides a model example for other frightened expectant mothers.
- Likewise, Joseph's willingness to stand alongside Mary through her pregnancy and to help raise the Christ child is a powerful example to the fathers of abortion-vulnerable babies.
- John the Baptist's in utero leap for joy recognizing the unborn Messiah is one of the most beautiful Biblical illustrations of the humanity and personhood of life in the womb.
- Mary's visit to her pregnant cousin is a Scriptural encouragement for us to accompany struggling pregnant moms.
- In the eyes of the world, our poor, homeless Lord was the perfect candidate for abortion.
We also discuss three concrete ways pro-lifers can make Advent a time of deeper prayer and reflection--rather than a stressful season of harried consumerism:
- Turn down the noise of the world and commit to increasing the silence in your life.
- Commit to hoping in the Lord.
- Keep your eye on the prize and truly prepare for Christmas.
We'll provide concrete tips for a more profound prayer life amidst the commercial glitz and glamour that tends to overshadow joyful anticipation of the Lord.
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#Advent is the PERFECT prayer season for prolifers. Find out why on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife
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