The 40 Days For Life team is always encouraged when we are able to hear Pro-Life stories from everyday people who have taken the huge step of faith and courage to get involved in the fight to stop abortion. This episode recounts some of the stories heard at the recent Leader’s Symposium in Arizona. You’ll be encouraged too, by the amazing things God has done through the work of common people who were willing to step out and make a difference.
One of the speakers at our recent Leadership Symposium was Sue Thayer, a woman who formerly managed a Planned Parenthood abortion facility. In delivering her speech, the first line out of her mouth was something to this effect: “People often say I’m courageous, but I’m not.” It may sound like false humility but we can assure you, Sue is one of the most genuine and humble people working in the Pro-Life movement. As she shared her story in a very relatable way, it was easy to see how anyone can get involved and make a massive difference in bringing about the end of abortion in their community.
One of the most beautiful things experienced at the Arizona Leadership Symposium was the eclectic nature of the people who gathered. It seemed there were people of any race you could imagine, young and old, experienced and inexperienced, all gathered for one reason - to learn how they could be more effective in their part of the battle to end abortion. It was encouraging to watch as relationships were formed and encouragement was doled out in ample supply among the participants. It was a great demonstration of the power of stories and the example of faith.
Among the bright spots at the Leadership Symposium were the many stories we heard from the most unassuming people. Many told of their participation in 40DFL campaigns and the dramatic difference they’ve seen happen as a result. Friends, it’s happening, abortion is coming to an end one faithful action at a time. Whether its people praying in front of abortion facilities or humble servants organizing full-fledged campaigns, momentum is growing. Listen to this episode to hear what people just like you are doing to end abortion in their communities.
After this year’s Symposium, Steve and Robert stayed after for a bit and decided to take in a Diamondback Baseball Game. For Steve, it was a great opportunity to show his stuff on national TV as a home run ball came his way. For Robert, it was an interesting and unusual cultural experience (he’s from the UK). In this episode we give Steve a hard time about his nationally televised flub, talk about the differences between baseball and cricket, and pray for the end of abortion - at least in part - so that we’ll all have time to do more fun stuff like Steve and Robert did. It’s all on this episode.
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The Pro-Life movement is gaining momentum all around the world. You wouldn’t know it from the media but then again, the media has never been known for its commitment to accurate coverage when it comes to the truth about abortion. In this episode of 40 Days For Life Podcast you’ll hear many encouraging stories about what’s happening in the battle to end abortion, including the closure of abortion centers, Planned Parenthood offices, international efforts that are gaining ground, and more.
What promises to be the largest and most significant 40DFL campaign yet is about to begin. 40 September 26 through November 4, the next life-saving campaign begins - in towns and cities all around the world. Your opportunity to become part of this life-changing, life-saving movement is just around the corner. You can hear about the significant impact your participation can have and find a campaign near you, by listening to this episode of the podcast.
The Pro-Life train continues to roll on. Since the scandalous news a few years ago about how body parts of aborted fetuses were being sold, the abortion industry has never recovered. Abortion center after abortion center has closed since that time, with more closing almost every week. 96 have closed to date and more are on the way. The most recent is a Planned Parenthood center in Ft. Wayne, Indiana - it’s closed for good. Listen to learn how you can be a key player in the fight tos top abortion for good.
Recently, President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh as his top pick for the vacant Supreme Court seat. And while Judge Kavanaugh is a strong family man and no friend of abortion, positive moves like this are not enough. His influence won’t be felt for some time and the battle rages while we wait. In this conversation, Shawn, Steve, and Robert discuss why it’s important to keep our focus on ending abortion with the same sense of urgency we’ve maintained all along, so be sure you listen.
Yes, it’s good news when the Pro-Life movement gets another win. But we cannot let up in the fight. Why? Because women are having abortions every day. The lives of unborn babies are at stake every day. We can’t rest on our victories or think we’ve won just because of a few of the battles have gone in our favor. The war is not over, so we must press on. In this episode, you’ll hear a handful of stories of the life-changing impact 40DFL participants have had on women as they enter abortion centers, and how some of those women are returning to the centers to take their own stand against abortion. It’s an inspiring episode you won’t want to miss.
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This is the news we’ve all be waiting for! Judge, Brett Kavanaugh has been announced as President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. On this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast, you’ll hear from Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen, and Matt Britton. In their conversation, the guys go over some background information on Brett Kavanaugh, what concerns the pro-life community should have about his nomination, why the Supreme Court should remain non-partisan, how the abortion industry is responding to Mr. Kavanaugh’s nomination, and much more! This is an exciting time to be part of the pro-life movement, don’t forget to use the best tool you have available, prayer!
Go on and admit it, you were waiting with baited breath to see who President Trump would select as his SCOTUS nominee, weren’t you? Of course, you were! This was an important decision that many in the pro-life community had been anticipating. Now we have it, the President has nominated, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Who is he? Mr. Kavanaugh is a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. He previously served as White House Staff Secretary during the presidency of George W. Bush. Mr. Kavanaugh is a strong family man, married with two daughters. He is also a very active member of his faith community (Catholic) and takes time out of his busy schedule to serve the homeless.
Let’s face it, when it comes to Supreme Court nominees, the pro-life community has had more than ample reasons for caution and concern. When a new nominee like Judge Kavanaugh is presented, it’s wise to take the time and consider if there are any concerns in their record or body of work. For all intents and purposes, there is nothing to report when it comes to Mr. Kavanaugh’s record, in fact, there is plenty to get excited about! Looking at his record on abortion, free speech, and religious liberty it seems like the pro-life community is getting quite the upgrade from Justice Kennedy! Rest assured, Judge Kavanaugh seems to be a perfect nominee that’ll go to work fulfilling President Trump’s promise to appoint pro-life justices to the highest court in the land.
As nice as it would be to see a Supreme Court nominee of Judge Kavanaugh’s caliber warmly accepted by all of our nation's leaders, it’s helpful to remember that there is a reason why he’s facing early opposition. It doesn’t take much research to find that Mr. Kavanaugh is almost universally opposed by Democrats and anyone who calls themselves “Pro-choice.” Just because he’s facing opposition from the other side doesn’t mean he should automatically get a pass when it comes to criticism and critique from the pro-life community but it is a good sign!
As the initial excitement over Judge Kavanaugh winds down, it’s a good time to examine and consider his chances when it comes to confirmation. Just a quick reminder, when it comes to filling a Supreme Court vacancy, it’s the President’s responsibility to nominate a candidate and it’s the United States Senate’s job to approve or reject that nominee by a simple majority vote. While it’s no slam dunk, the way things look to be playing out in the U.S. Senate seems to indicate that Mr. Kavanaugh will make it through the confirmation process to be seated as the next Supreme Court Justice. Now is not the time to celebrate! If you live in a swing state, make sure to contact your representative in the U.S. Senate and press them to support Judge Kavanaugh!
As a person of faith, you know the power that stories can have. That’s why testimonies about faith are so meaningful, there is something that resonates deeply when people tell their stories. The same is true of pro-life stories! Time and time again, the pro-life movement has witnessed and leveraged the power of storytelling to showcase the good that’s happening in the pro-life movement and the evil that is caused by abortion. On this episode of 40 Days for Life, you’ll hear from Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen, and Robert Colquhoun. In their conversation, the guys discuss the cost of freedom, how Shawn’s new book is different than his first one, why pro-life stories matter, how abortion is different than most political topics and much more! Don’t miss your chance to learn about what’s going on at the front lines of the pro-life movement!
What was it that grabbed your attention and brought you into the pro-life movement? Chances are, it was a story! By telling your story or by amplifying the story of others, you can take part in building a culture of life here in the United States. One of the ways that 40 Days for Life is using this strategy is collecting stories and putting them into the hands of skilled storyteller, Shawn Carney. Shawn’s new book, “The Beginning of the End of Abortion” is packed full of pro-life stories that’ll keep you motivated as the struggle continues. You can all use this resource to get others on board as you fight to see the end of abortion here in your own backyard. Get more information on Shawn’s book and the impact of pro-life stories by listening to this engaging episode!
Did you take the time to consider and express gratitude for your freedom last week in celebration of the 4th of July? Here in America, we are so fortunate for all the freedom we enjoy and we ought to take time to thank both God and those men and women who have laid down their lives to protect it. On this episode, you’ll hear Shawn, Steve and Robert discuss how fortunate we are to celebrate freedom and all the privileges that come with it. They also mention how much this contrasts to the eroding freedom that many western nations are currently experiencing and why the pro-life movement is vital in the fight to push back. Don’t miss this episode as the guys dive deep into this topic and much more!
What is it about the topic of abortion that makes it stand out from all the other “Hot button” political topics of our day? Why does abortion illicit such strong reactions from both sides of the aisle that other topics like tax reform fail to conjure up? It all comes down the heart of the matter, life. Abortion draws so much fervor and debate because at the center of the issue is the value and worth of human life. This is also where pro-life stories come into play as well. Stories shared from women who’ve had abortions and doctors who’ve performed them only to reach the other side of their decisions full of regret and pain have an ability to connect with people in ways that other politicized issues can’t. Join Shawn, Steve, and Robert on this episode of 40 Days for Life as they expand on this important discussion, you don’t want to miss it!
This is an exciting and monumental time to be part of the pro-life movement as the Supreme Court has real potential to move us closer to a culture of life and leave the dark days of abortion behind. Remember, it’s not quite time to pop the champagne bottles just yet! There remains a lot of work to be done before we can truly celebrate. Enjoy this important milestone that you’ve worked so hard to achieve, enjoy this hopeful moment but stay vigilant and prepared for the long road ahead! Stay up to date with all the important pro-life news including President Trump's upcoming announcement of his nominee for the Supreme Court by signing up for the 40 Days for Life email newsletter. You can sign up for the newsletter and connect via social media by checking out the resources section at the end of this post!
What does the recent news about the upcoming Supreme Court vacancy mean for the pro-life movement? Should we get excited and celebrate or do we need to welcome this news with cautious optimism? On this episode of 40 Days For Life, you’ll hear from Steve as he welcomes back Sean Carney and Matt Britton. In their conversation, the guys break down what this news means, why it’s good news that Justice Kennedy is off the court, how they expect President Trump to fill the vacancy, what it will look like for Roe vs. Wade to be overturned, and much more! Don’t miss a minute of this exciting and informative episode!
This is it, the moment the pro-life moment has been waiting for! With the recent news of Justice Kennedy retiring, there is a real chance that the Supreme Court of the United States moves in a pro-life direction! While there may be some surprises in store, judges are human after all, we can move forward with cautious optimism. For decades, Justice Kennedy has been a huge thorn in the side of pro-life activists. Many cases have been presented to the court only to see Justice Kennedy side with the liberal justices in favor of abortion. With his retirement, there is real hope for a culture of life to thrive in America once again. To hear more about this recent development from Steve, Sean, and Matt, make sure to listen to this helpful episode of the 40 Days For Life podcast!
Why should the pro-life movement remain hopeful for President Trump to nominate a conservative judge to Justice Kennedy’s vacancy? After all, Mr. Trump is anything but predictable. On this episode of 40 Days for Life, you’ll hear from Steve, Sean, and Matt as they explain why it’s more likely than not that President Trump nominates a conservative judge to the Supreme Court vacancy. While it’s impossible to predict the future and how President Trump will fill this vacancy, you can look to his nomination and the confirmation of Justice Gorsuch as a good sign that President Trump will make good on his promise to nominate a conservative judge to the highest court in the land. For further detail on this topic, make sure to listen to this engaging episode!
Once a pro-life judge fills the Justice Kennedy vacancy on the Supreme Court, what will it look like to have Roe vs. Wade challenged and hopefully overturned? Will abortion cease to exist nationwide or will it be eliminated on a state by state basis? Join Steve, Sean, and Matt on this episode of 40 Days for Life to find out what it will look like to have Roe vs. Wade overturned. While many in the pro-life moment are excited about the repeal of Roe vs. Wade, Matt says that people should not’ be hopeful for a quick and immediate change. It is going to take time for cases to be brought before the Supreme Court and for Roe vs. Wade to be overturned and no longer serve as the law of the land. From there, pro-life friendly states will start to challenge the abortion laws on the books. Get a more detailed explanation of what to expect by listening to Matt’s helpful take on this episode!
While this recent Supreme Court development is exciting for the pro-life cause, now is not the time to pop the champagne bottles! Too often people and movements put the cart before the horse and celebrate prematurely. Yes, celebrate the milestones and victories along the way but don’t lose sight of the goal! If you want to see a vibrant culture of life in the United States, you’ve got to be willing to buckle in for the long haul. Stay vigilant and remain engaged, you have no idea what is around the corner. To keep up to date on all your pro-life related news, make sure to subscribe to the 40 Days for Life podcast!
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