
40 Days for Life Podcast

Join Shawn Carney for a look at the latest news, trends, and victories in the spiritual battle to defend innocent human life--and learn how you can help peacefully end abortion where you live!
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40 Days for Life Podcast









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Now displaying: October, 2018
Oct 30, 2018

Topics We Cover On This Episode

  • [3:49] Shawn breaks down the background of Dr.Joe Pojman
  • [6:45] Why Dr. Joe loves the 40 Days for Life Podcast
  • [8:50] Dr. Joe debunks a few Pro-Life movement stereotypes
  • [11:39] How Dr. Joe successfully lobbied for Pro-Life legislation during a Pro-Abortion Administration
  • [15:39] How the legislative side of the Pro-Life movement impacts the Pro-Life movement as a whole
  • [18:17] All the ways in which the current political climate affects Pro-Life legislation
  • [21:14] How the spotlight of Pro-Life legislation hurts the abortion industry
  • [26:43] What America would look like if Roe v. Wade is overturned
  • [28:48] What motivates Dr. Joe to persevere in the effort to end abortion

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that abortion is ending the life of an innocent child. However, that’s exactly what Texas has leading its effort to end abortion through Pro-Life legislation. Dr. Joe Pojman is a former NASA aerospace engineer who founded and is the executive director of the Texas Alliance for Life which is a non-profit organization committed to lobbying for laws that protect the sanctity of human life. On this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast Shawn and Steve sit down with Dr. Joe to discuss the impact of Pro-Life legislation on the state of Texas and our nation as well as the legal landscape of the road to end abortion.

Dr. Joe Pojman is breaking stereotypes in the Pro-Life movement

There seems to be an invisible line dividing those who lobby for Pro-Life legislation and those who pray outside of abortion facilities and run pregnancy centers. Both sides have very different functions in the fight for life, but they both serve the same goal: to save lives and end abortion. So much so that while Dr. Joe spends most of his time on the legal side of things he also tries to make it out to a 40 Days for Life campaign any chance he gets. Hear how what’s happening at prayer vigils all across the country is inspiring those who labor to change abortion laws on this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Incredible progress for Pro-Life legislation was made even with a Pro-Abortion administration

It’s no secret that Barack Obama was one of the most Pro-Abortion presidents in American history. Despite that fact, much progress was made in the realm of Pro-Life legislation even during his presidency. The reason is that most of these laws are passed at a state level thanks to grassroots support from organizations like the Texas Alliance for Life. Listen to this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast to get an inside look at how Pro-Life lobbyists are still taking ground no matter the political climate.

Pro-Life legislation forces people to see hard truths about abortion

The place where Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry thrives the most is the dark. Pro-Life legislation is so powerful because it shines a light on the atrocities of what really happens at abortion facilities. Even the smallest steps towards progress help stir up the conversation and expose the real agenda behind abortion. Hear all the ways Pro-Life legislation and the abortion debate are opening eyes on both sides of the aisle during this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

The day is coming when Roe v. Wade will be overturned

It may be along time before it’s realized, but we are experiencing the beginning of the end of abortion. Planned Parenthood can’t keep up with efforts like the 40 Days for Life campaign because they spend most of their time and resources trying to combat Pro-Life legislation in courtrooms and capitals. We also can’t ignore that for the first time ever there are potentially five Pro-Life votes sitting on the bench of the United States Supreme Court. Dr. Joe gives his insight on the necessary legal steps to see an end to abortion during this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Resources & People Mentioned

Connect With Dr. Joe Pojman

Connect With 40 Days For Life

Tweets You Can Use to Spread the Word

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that #Abortion is ending the life of an innocent child. However that’s exactly who is helping lead #ProLife legislation efforts in Texas. Listen to the latest #40DaysforLifePodcast interview with @joepojma! #PrayforLife

@joepojman is breaking down stereotypes in the #ProLife movement. Hear how what’s happening at prayer vigils all across the country is inspiring those who labor to change #Abortion laws on this week’s episode of the #40DaysForLifePodcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion

Incredible progress for #ProLife legislation was made even during the #ProAbortion @BarackObama administration. Learn how on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion

#ProLife legislation forces people to see hard truths about #Abortion. Hear all the ways these laws are opening eyes on both sides of the aisle during this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion

The day is coming when #RoeVWade will be overturned. @joepojma gives his insight on the necessary legal steps to see an end to #Abortion on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife


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Oct 23, 2018

Topics We Cover On This Episode

  • [1:07] The March 2019 release of the UnPlanned movie is fast approaching!
  • [6:18] All about the actors playing Shawn and Marilisa Carney
  • [8:02] Introducing Jared Lotz and Emma Elle Roberts
  • [9:19] How Jared and Emma heard about the Abby Johnson story
  • [11:25] What attracted Jared and Emma to be a part of the UnPlanned movie
  • [15:01] Dealing with the potential pushback of being in a Pro-Life film
  • [20:03] How the UnPlanned movie set differed from being on other movie projects
  • [26:20] Jared and Emma talk about the impact they hope the UnPlanned movie will have
  • [30:03] How Jared and Emma prepared to take on the roles of Shawn and Marilisa

In March 2019, 40 Days for Life and the Pro-Life movement will leap onto the big screen in the film adaptation of Abby Johnson’s book UnPlanned. The incredible story details Abby’s journey from Planned Parenthood director to Pro-Life advocate. In a unique first for the 40 Days for Life Podcast Shawn and Steve have the opportunity to interview Jared Lotz and Emma Elle Roberts who play Shawn and his wife Marilisa in the movie. In this episode you will learn exclusive behind the scenes insights and stories straight from the stars themselves and see what it took to bring the UnPlanned movie to life.

Shawn is ready for his close-up

Have you ever wondered who would play you in a movie about your life? Shawn Carney certainly doesn’t have to wonder anymore. Listen in as Shawn gets the unique opportunity to interview Jared Lotz and Emma Elle Roberts who play him and his wife in the upcoming UnPlanned movie. Hear what it’s like to have a movie version of yourself and how Jared and Emma prepared for the roles on this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

What inspires people to be in a Pro-Life movie?

It can’t be an easy choice to make. Hollywood as a whole is pretty outspokenly in favor of abortion so going against the grain can put your reputation and career on the line. Despite those realities, Jared Lotz and Emma Elle Roberts are making the decision to stand for life and take part in this incredible effort to get Abby Johnson’s story out to the masses. In fact, this is Emma’s FOURTH Pro-Life film! On this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast find out what motivates Jared and Emma to work on projects like UnPlanned and bring Pro-Life values to the mainstream.

The set of UnPlanned is unlike any other in Hollywood

It’s safe to assume that most people show up at work so that they can get a paycheck. The actors and production crews of Hollywood are no different. This is what makes the people involved in making UnPlanned so special! Of course, no one is coming to work for free, but their motivations go so much deeper than their bank accounts. For them, UnPlanned is a mission to help end abortion by faithfully telling the life story of Abby Johnson. Hear Jared Lotz and Emma Elle Roberts talk about what it’s like to work on a movie with people unified by one purpose on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

The cast and crew of UnPlanned hope the film has a major cultural impact

Most films aspire to do nothing more than tell an entertaining story. UnPlanned is not your average movie. The cast and crew have set out to make a movie that not only brings awareness to the abortion issue but also changes the heart of the culture on the sanctity of human life. Hear Jared and Emma share on what they hope the UnPlanned movie accomplishes and how you can make that dream a reality on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Resources & People Mentioned

Connect With Jared Lotz and Emma Elle Roberts

Connect With 40 Days For Life

Tweets You Can Use to Spread the Word

In March 2019, #40DaysforLife and the #ProLife movement will leap onto the big screen in the film adaptation of the book #Unplanned by @AbbyJohnson. Hear from two of the films stars @ItsJaredLotz and @EmmaElleRoberts on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. @UnPlannedMovie #PrayforLife #Abortion

@CarneyShawn is ready for his close up! Find out what it’s like to have someone play you in a movie on this week’s episode of the #40DaysForLifePodcast. @UnPlannedMovie #ProLife #PrayforLife #Abortion

What inspires people to be in a #ProLife movie like @UnPlannedMovie? Hear @ItsJaredLotz and @EmmaElleRoberts answer that question and more on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion

The set of the @UnPlannedMovie is unlike any other in Hollywood. Find out why from two of the films stars @ItsJaredLotz and @EmmaElleRoberts on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife #Abortion

The cast and crew of the @UnPlannedMovie hope the film has a major cultural impact. Find out how you can be a part of it on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife #Abortion

Oct 16, 2018

Topics We Cover On This Episode

  • [1:29] How you can still be apart of the largest 40 Days for Life campaign ever!
  • [4:30] How protesters supporting abortion actually help the Pro-Life cause
  • [10:51] Robert gives an international campaign update
  • [13:19] Hear the incredible impact that this 40 Days for Life campaign has had in saving lives and seeing abortion centers close
  • [18:53] Standing against opposition in the U.S. and overseas
  • [21:54] More campaign stories from around the world
  • [24:45] Taking a moment to honor the efforts of the 40 Days for Life volunteers

It’s officially the halfway point for the largest 40 Days for Life campaign ever and already there are incredible reports coming in from all over the world. Lives are being saved. Women’s facilities are leaving the abortion business. Mothers are choosing life and encountering the love of God like never before. Hear incredible frontline stories from Shawn, Steve, and Robert and learn how you can still take part in the campaign on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Pro-Abortion protesters are their own worst enemy

If the goal of the protesters who recently showed up to the 40 Days for Life prayer vigils in Upstate New York was to help women get abortions they may want to rethink their tactics. The aggressive and vulgar manner in which they try to communicate their message is not only a proven repellent for women attempting to receive abortions but is also a good press magnet for 40 Days for Life. The juxtaposition of vicious protestors opposing peaceful prayer volunteers speaks louder volumes than hateful chants ever could over pleas for the lives of the unborn. Learn how Pro-Life volunteers stood their ground against a swarm of abortion advocates on this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Volunteer presence alone increases the abortion no-show rate

Imagine being a young pregnant woman who has been told that she is alone and that the only option for survival is to kill the child growing inside of her. This may seem foreign to you, but that is the experience of so many women who schedule appointments to receive abortions. Organizations like Planned Parenthood paint a picture so hopeless that women are convinced aborting their babies is not only the necessary choice but also the morally right one. Having 40 Days for Life volunteers present at these centers gives women another option. It gives them hope. Learn all the ways volunteers help women make the right choice on this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

The current 40 Days for Life campaign has already seen 100 babies saved

Starting from the very first day of this 40 Days for Life campaign there have been incredible results in the fight to save the unborn. All around the world the reports are pouring in that women are choosing life and deciding to bring their precious children into the world. Champaign, Illinois even saw a women’s health facility decide to stop performing abortion services altogether. God is showing up in a big way as people continue to show up and intercede for the end of abortion. Hear powerful testimonies of hearts changed and lives saved on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

The fight for life continues

While there are so many victories to celebrate at the halfway point of this 40 Days for Life campaign the fight for life is far from over. Many vigil sites are just now seeing the fruit of their labors after years of faithful prayer. The reality is that volunteers are there to stand with the babies losing their lives just as much as they are there to try and prevent it from happening in the first place. This is why a dedication to praying and fasting for the end of this atrocity is so crucial. Find out how you can be a part of the beginning of the end of abortion on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Resources & People Mentioned

  • Check out the website for the upcoming UnPlanned movie!

Connect With 40 Days For Life

Tweets You Can Use to Spread the Word

In March 2019 the film adaptation of the book #Unplanned by @AbbyJohnson will be released! Hear from two of the films stars @ItsJaredLotz and @EmmaElleRoberts on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. @UnPlannedMovie #Abortion

#ProAbortion protesters are their own worst enemy. Find out why on this week’s episode of the #40DaysForLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife #Abortion

Volunteer presence alone increases the #Abortion no-show rate. Learn all the ways #40DaysforLife volunteers help women make the right choice on this episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife

The current #40DaysforLife campaign has already seen over 100 babies saved. Hear powerful testimonies of hearts changed and lives saved on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife #Abortion

While there are so many victories to celebrate at the halfway point of this #40DaysforLife campaign the fight for life is far from over. Find out how you can be a part of the beginning of the end of #Abortion on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife

Oct 9, 2018

Topics We Cover On This Episode

  • [1:28] How you can host your own theater for the Unplanned movie
  • [3:14] How the UnPlanned movie became a reality
  • [5:29] Introducing Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon, the writers of God’s Not Dead and the UnPlanned movie
  • [7:28] Why you should be excited for the UnPlanned movie
  • [9:14] Defining success for faith-based films and why timing is the biggest factor
  • [12:29] What inspired Chuck and Cary to take on the UnPlanned movie
  • [16:27] How the UnPlanned movie brings credibility to the real heroes of the Pro-Life movement
  • [18:43] Standing for Christian values in a secular Hollywood
  • [24:56] Why the UnPlanned movie is specifically targeting Planned Parenthood
  • [27:53] How YOU can increase the impact of the UnPlanned movie
  • [31:54] How film is changing the way we communicate the Gospel

Get ready to see yourself on the big screen in Spring 2019! Based on the best-selling book, UnPlanned is the story of a former Planned Parenthood director turned Pro-Life advocate named Abby Johnson. Witness how Abby’s experience in helping with an abortion procedure led her to walk out of her job and walk into the office of 40 Days for Life president, Shawn Carney. On this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast hear the journey of how this movie became a reality in the hands of God’s Not Dead writers Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon.

Abby Johnson’s story is your story too

The reality is there would be no UnPlanned movie without the thousands of 40 Days for Life volunteers who are on the front lines of the fight against abortion. The tireless hours spent praying for the lives of the unborn and counseling pregnant mothers on the sidewalks of abortion clinics is what helped lead Abby to quit her job in the first place. Find out how your efforts to end abortion inspired Chuck and Cary to make the UnPlanned movie on this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

Chuck and Cary aren’t just making a movie, they are a part of the movement

It’s one thing to make a movie because you want to tell a story. It’s an entirely different thing to tell a story because you passionately believe in its message. That is exactly why Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon have taken on the UnPlanned movie as their next project. Writing, producing, and directing a movie about abortion is no easy task, but these regular attendees of the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil in San Fernando Valley, California are not shying away from this life or death issue. Follow Chuck and Cary’s personal journey in bringing the UnPlanned movie to life on this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

There is no better time to make a Pro-Life movie

On the heels of a scandalous couple of years for Planned Parenthood and the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court there has never been a better time to take the fight against abortion to the big screen. UnPlanned will be the first major motion picture to target the abortion factory that is Planned Parenthood by name and Chuck and Cary hope that the film will be a “polished missile” that creates a giant hole in their foundation. Learn how timing and obedience is everything when you’re making films to impact the culture on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

YOU are the key to success for the UnPlanned movie

Just like with The Passion of the Christ or God’s Not Dead grassroots support will be the biggest means of getting the message of UnPlanned to the masses. Politically motivated movie studios and critics generally seek to stifle the visibility of faith-based films by ignoring them altogether. However, the biases of Hollywood can be overcome by going directly to the theaters whose only motivation is to fill seats and sell popcorn. Learn everything you can do to magnify the impact of the UnPlanned movie on this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

Resources & People Mentioned

Connect With 40 Days For Life

Tweets You Can Use to Spread the Word

@UnplannedMovie is the story of a former @PPFA director turned #Prolife advocate named @AbbyJohnson. Learn all about the film on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast! #PrayforLife #Abortion #Unplanned

The story of @AbbyJohnson is your story too. Find out how 40 Days for Life volunteers inspired the writers of @GodsNotDeadFilm to write, produce, and direct the @UnplannedMovie on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion #Unplanned

It’s one thing to make a movie because you want to tell a story. It’s an entirely different thing to tell a story because you passionately believe in it’s message. Follow the personal journey of how the writers of @GodsNotDeadFilm are bringing the @Unplannedmovie to life. #PrayforLife #Abortion #Unplanned

@UnplannedMovie will be the first major motion picture to specifically target @PPFA and bring the fight against #Abortion to the big screen. Find out why there is no better time than now to make a #Prolife movie on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion #Unplanned

Politically motivated movie studios and critics generally seek to stifle the visibility of faith-based films by ignoring them altogether. Learn everything you can do to magnify the impact of the @UnplannedMovie on this episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion #Unplanned

Oct 2, 2018

Topics We Cover On This Episode

  • [2:05] An update from the largest Fall 40 Days for Life campaign ever
  • [4:32] And the new president of Planned Parenthood is…
  • [7:50] Robert breaks down the background of Dr. Leana Wen
  • [9:09] Is the timing of this appointment coincidence or a political strategy?
  • [11:45] The glaring irony of a Chinese immigrant running the largest abortion operation in America
  • [13:23] How Dr. Wen’s appointment is a desperate attempt to keep up the “abortion is healthcare” charade
  • [16:40] There has never been a worse time in history to take over Planned Parenthood
  • [19:43] Three important Planned Parenthood myths
  • [26:43] Recapping the road ahead

In the midst of 40 Days for Life’s largest fall campaign ever and the kangaroo court that is the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, Planned Parenthood has made a somewhat surprising move in selecting Dr.Leana Wen as their new CEO. Who is this woman and what does she mean for the future of Planned Parenthood? Find out the answers to those questions and take an in-depth look at the state of abortion politics on this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

Who would want to be responsible for the deaths of 300,000 children per year?

The answer is Dr. Leana Wen. The former emergency room doctor and Baltimore Health Commissioner will fill the shoes of Cecile Richards as Planned Parenthood CEO starting November 12th. Dr. Wen is a Chinese-born American doctor who believes abortion is a fundamental human right. In this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast find out everything you need to know about the next president of Planned Parenthood.

There has never been a worse time in history to take over Planned Parenthood

It’s no secret that the organization has suffered some serious blows in the past few years. Between multiple scandals and the very real risk of defunding the abortion giant is probably the most vulnerable it has ever been. This is why the departure of fundraising juggernaut Cecile Richards and the appointment of Dr. Leana Wen as Planned Parenthood’s new CEO is a bit surprising. Could there be more to this story? Find out in the latest episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

Don’t believe the charade that abortion is healthcare

If we understand health care as the medicines and practices that restore health to the body then abortion is anything but. However, that is exactly what Planned Parenthood wants you to believe by appointing its first physician as CEO in nearly five decades. Dr. Leana Wen is a calculated move to reinforce the idea that Planned Parenthood is a women’s health organization. Don’t get fooled by this and other myths about America’s leading abortion provider by listening to this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

The timing of Planned Parenthood’s leadership change seems like more than a coincidence

With midterm elections taking place on November 6th and Dr. Leana Wen taking the reins on November 12th, it would appear that Planned Parenthood is positioning themselves to control the narrative no matter what the political outcome is. This of course is all backlit by the vicious Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh taking place in our nation's capital. Learn how you can sift through the politics and support the pro-life movement on this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

Resources & People Mentioned

  • Gosnell - Go see it in theaters October 12th!

Connect With 40 Days For Life

Tweets You Can Use to Spread the Word

@PPFA has made a somewhat surprising move in selecting @DrLeanaWen as their new CEO. Find out who she is on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #Prolife #PrayforLife #Abortion

Who would want to be responsible for the deaths of 300,000 children per year? Find out on the latest episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #Prolife #PrayforLife #Abortion

There has never been a worse time in history to take over @PPFA. Find out why @DrLeanaWen is doing just that on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #Prolife #PrayforLife #Abortion

Don’t believe the charade that abortion is healthcare. Learn the three greatest myths about @PPFA on the latest episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #Prolife #PrayforLife #Abortion

@DrLeanaWen becoming the new CEO of @PPFA right after midterm elections is no coincidence.Learn how you can sift through the #AbortionPolitics and support the #Prolife movement on this episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion