It's hard to find Hollywood productions that don't denigrate life, family, and Christianity. But Unplanned is the unique movie that speaks the truth about our most deeply held values--while also appealing to a mainstream audience.
Shawn Carney, Sue Thayer, and Steve Karlen have screened the film, which comes out this spring. They'll review Unplanned on this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast. They'll talk about what surprised them about the film. And Sue will discuss how Abby's experience in Unplanned compares with her experience directing a Planned Parenthood location for 17 years.
Get your popcorn ready!
Seeking to make abortion mainstream, a new movement of activists encourages women to "shout your abortion."
The result is a desperate campaign that awkwardly attempts to justify abortion using vulgar t-shirts, aggressive social media posts, and...a children's book? It gets strange quickly!
On this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast, Shawn Carney, Robert Colquhoun, and Steve Karlen take a look at the "Shout Your Abortion" movement, the pain that drives it, and the pro-life women who are speaking out about the pain abortion caused in their lives.
[bctt tweet="The #shoutyourabortion movement: an awkward attempt to justify the world’s greatest human rights atrocity. Find out more on the #40DaysforLife podcast. #prolife #abortion #sya"]
After 46 years of legal abortion, hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans take to this streets the next two weeks to march in defense of pre-born moms and babies.
There's a lot at stake as abortion is the leading cause of death...both worldwide and in the United States.
Abortion takes the lives of at least 42 million innocent children every year worldwide. Some estimates suggest more as many as 56 million per year for a cumulative total in excess of two billion abortions total. That's more deaths than can be attributed to every war in human history--combined. On this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast, Shawn Carney, Robert Colquhoun, and Steve Karlen take a look at the national and worldwide death toll. We also examine how--contrary to Planned Parenthood's rhetoric--contraception exacerbates the abortion epidemic.
Does praying in front of an abortion facility really make a difference? And if so, how, exactly, can silent prayer at an abortion center change hearts and minds? Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen, and Sue Thayer discuss four ways your presence impacts the abortion center.
Sue also talks about how comments from pro-life friends, family members, and pastors helped foster her conversion from Planned Parenthood manager to pro-life prayer warrior.
Pro-life prayer in front of abortion centers impacts:
Praying in public can cause us anxiety. But when we see the impact made when we confront our fears and pray in public, we realize we need not be afraid!
A new year means new opportunities. As we head into 2019, Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen, and Robert Colquhoun share three ways you can make a difference by standing up for life in the new year!